Remember 9/11 Patriot Day Walk
To commemorate the 13th Anniversary of 9/11 and Patriot Day, Veterans & Family Memorial Care Providers nationwide are sponsoring a Remember 9/11 Memorial Patriot Walk to honor those who lost their lives on that fateful day and to show appreciation to the brave heroes who defend and protect our great nation.
The entire community is invited to participate in the one mile Patriot Walk which begins at 11:00 AM on September 13th on the grounds of O'Connell-Murphy Funeral Home, 2286 South Park and ends at David McKeever post 64 .
O'Connell-Murphy Funeral Home is proud to sponsor this event with David McKeever post 64 and Stingray Cheer leaders.
Following the walk there will be hot dogs and refreshments served at David McKeever post 64. This is a rain or shine event.
For more information please call John Murphy at O'Connell-Murphy Funeral Home 823-0124.